About / Mission

East European Security Research Initiative (EESRI) is a discussion, analytical and information-sharing international platform aimed at uniting efforts of the experts and researchers from various countries to find effective ways for strengthening security in the Eastern Europe as the most vulnerable region of the contemporary Europe.

EESRI is founded by the creative team of Eastern European experts and researchers in the fields of international relations, foreign and security policy, who work in their national leading think tanks and academic institutions, and take active part in the international security research initiatives and networks. The activity of EESRI is supported by the East European Security Research Initiative Foundation and other partner organizations.

The East European Security Research Initiative Foundation (EESRI Foundation) is a member of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions and the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.

The main mission of the EESRI Foundation is to facilitate the international research on East European security issues through the preparing of expert’s assessments on current threats and potential challenges to the regional security, maintaining exchange of related experience, arranging professional discussions, elaborating recommendations for conflict de-escalation, crisis resolution and preventing, and addressing threats to security both on regional and national levels.

Special emphasis is made on scrutinizing the current threats related to the new types of ‘hybrid’ warfare, illegal arms transferring and terrorist activities. Among other research priorities are the following: regional political-military cooperation, arms control, security and confidence building measures, as well as issues related to security sector reform and management.

The EESRI Foundation encourages international security dialog among the experts, scientists and officials; establishes cooperation with think tanks and research institutions from various countries; provides independent expertise; publishes experts’ comments, assessments and study reports, and promotes better public awareness on security developments in the Eastern European countries and region as a whole.

The EESRI Foundation works as non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit organization.
The views expressed at the website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the EESRI Foundation.

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